Feeding the Older Jack Russell

Jack Russells remain quite active well into their senior years. However, compared to the activity levels they maintained as youngsters, even these lively terriers tend to slow down and nap more as they age, perhaps gaining some weight in the process.

When JRTs get to be more than 6 years old they may require fewer calories (particularly if they are gaining some weight), although they still need all of the essential nutritional elements found in a well-balanced food. As the metabolism also slows down a bit, you may want to feed your senior JRT smaller, more frequent meals.

An older Jack Russell may become a fussy eater. Have your veterinarian keep a close eye on the health of the teeth of your older Jack Russell. Teeth should be examined yearly to avoid any problems that may prevent the older dog from eating comfortably.

Free Feeding?

Free feeding (having food available for your dog at all times) is not recommended for Jack Russells—it is just too tempting. A fat Jack Russell Terrier is not desirable, nor is she healthy.

JRTs should always be in good working condition. All calories do count. Be sure to include biscuits and treats when calculating your dog’s total daily intake. A good, quick way to determine if your Jack Russell is carrying too much fat is to put your hand over her back, thumb on one side, fingers on the other, and run your hand
lightly down the back. You should be able to feel the individual ribs but you should not be able to see them.

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