When Should You Spay Or Neuter Your Dog?

If you want to know when you should spray or neuter your dog, please read on and learn more.  When the ovarian hysterectomy of the female species is described, it is called spraying. On the other hand castrating a male species is known as neutering.  Both are surgical treatments and can be done by a qualified veterinarian. This makes the dog incapable of having babies in future.  The procedure is very beneficial for you and your dog. 

When is the right time to spray or neuter?:  When the dog is as early as 8 weeks old, the procedure can be done easily, by a qualified vet. It is strongly recommended that they get the neutering done early, since it would be healthier for your dog, and the dog population doesn’t increase. 

Is it important to have your dog neutered?  Yes, it is important to have your dog neutered. Take a look at the animal shelters around; there numbers are increasing and the population of dogs with them increasing by the day.  Would you rather have the current dogs neutered and avoid over population or would you want them to grow only to be left out and euthanized later on?  Not everyone is a willing adopter, due to many reasons.  Some even abandon their pets, again for various reasons, hence neutering your pet helps. 

The health and behavioral benefits:  When you neuter the dog, he would live a happy life and a longer life, not to forget a healthier life.  When you spray the dog, she would be devoid of the mating heat-crying syndrome, when she is in heat.  In addition, there is a lot of mess when the dog is in heat, and she would thank you dearly for getting her sprayed on time, which avoids such a mess. When you neuter the male, he wouldn’t have sexual desires, he would not mark the furniture and the walls with his urine, there wouldn’t be aggressiveness in him, nor would he want to roman wild and aimlessly. When you neuter the males, it would prevent cancer of the testicles and his prostate gland wouldn’t enlarge, so the risk of having perianal tumors can be ruled out. 

For females, when you spray them, the chances of getting breast cancer (yes, it happens to dogs as well) in the first heat cycle is minimized and prevented altogether.  She also would be saved from uterine cancer and infections as well. I hope that now you might understand why neutering and spraying the dog would be good for them.  Always speak to your vet and then make a decision on whether the pet needs to be neutered or not.

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